OM FESTIVAL | Discover our special perks!

For the second year running we are pleased to offer some special perks for those who will decide to support the Orchestra Mozart and its music: becoming a Jupiter, Haffner or Amadé donor allows you to live the OM Festival at its fullest and, and the same time, your donation contributes to supporting the activities of our orchestra.


The Jupiter perk includes:

  • A dinner for two together with the OM musicians after the April 6, 2018 concert
  • The OM Festival poster signed by the OM musicians
  • A copy of one page of Rossini’s original manuscript of “La Cenerentola”
  • Mention in the “Jupiter Donors” section inside the OM Festival booklet


The Haffner perk includes:

  • An aperitif for two together with the OM musicians after the April 7, 2018 concert at the NH Hotel Bologna De La Gare, Piazza XX Settembre, 2
  • A copy of one page of Rossini’s original manuscript of “La Cenerentola”
  • Mention in the “Haffner Donors” section inside the OM Festival booklet

AMADÉ PERK – 120 € 

The Amadé perk includes:

  • Two reserved seats in the front row for the Late Night Concert with the Solisti dell’Orchestra Mozart in programme on the 7th of April at “Il Rialto”, via Rialto 23/c, Bologna
  • Mention in the “Amadé Donors” section inside the OM Festival booklet

TWO-PERKS PROMOTION: those who, together with a Jupiter or Haffner perk will buy a second one, will have the possibility to attend, in the first rows, to the chamber Music Concert with the Solisti dell’Orchestra Mozart at the Collegio di Spagna (Bologna) due on Sunday, April the 8th at 11am, with a post-concert aperitif.

How to buy these perks:

  • Bank transfer: IBAN IT28Q0638502401100000012325 payable to Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna - Orchestra Mozart Festival promoting institution. Please, indicate the perk (Jupiter, Haffner, Amadé) you’ve chosen.
  • Cash or check at the Accademia Filarmonica Headquarters, via Guerrazzi 13, Bologna. Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10am-1pm, Tuesday and Thursday 3pm-7pm.

Regia Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna: - Tel: 051 222 997. The above mentioned perks will be available only until March 18, 2018.

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