We proudly present you two interactive workshops for children that will take place during this year’s edition of Il Cinema Ritrovato, in Bologna. A journey to discover and see where music comes from, and how can a story be told thanks to sounds.
The workshops will be held in Italian.
Tuesday, June 28th
4.30 pm Spazio Cinnoteca, via Riva di Reno 72, Bologna
Age: 6-9 years old
Il Cinema Ritrovato Kids: workshop “Where does music come from?”
First part
The voice of the instruments discovered and explained thanks to Peter and the Wolf and the Orchestra Mozart musicians, a tale of sounds and wonder.
Bookings: schermielavagne@cineteca.bologna.it.
Cost: 7 euro as a donation for the OM Encore project.
Second part
Sala Cervi: Peter & the Wolf (UK-Poland-Norway-Mexico, 2006), Suzie Templeton, 30'
Wednesday, June 29th
5.30 pm Spazio Cinnoteca, via Riva di Reno 72, Bologna
Age: 6-9 years old
Il Cinema Ritrovato Kids: workshop “Tell me, music”
First part
We will learn how to tell a story through music thanks to the Orchestra Mozart musicians and The Magic Flute movies by Lotte Reiniger, Gianini and Luzzati
Bookings: schermielavagne@cineteca.bologna.it.
Cost: 7 euro as a donation for the OM Encore project.
Second part
Sala Cervi:
Papageno (Germany, 1935), Lotte Reiniger, 10'
Il flauto magico (Italy, 1978), Giulio Gianini, Emanuele Luzzati. (extract)
Workshops in collaboration withSchermi e Lavagne, Education Department, Cineteca di Bologna.
Musicians: Mattia Petrilli (flute), Carlos Del Ser Guillén (oboe), Giuseppe Russo (horn), Claudio Geminiani (clarinet), Giulia Ginestrini (bassoon).
Coordinator: Daniele Carnio.